Devils Lake Report April 23
Devils Lake is completely ice free and water temperatures have been fluctuating between high to mid-forties, but we have had some cold, windy weather lately. Anticipating the water temps to bump up soon and anticipate a good spring walleye season ahead. Anglers are catching some walleye and quite a few pike so far. The key seems to be finding shallow protected bays and look for warmer water. Water that is just a few degrees warmer will often hold fish. We have been pitching jigs so far and have found fish anywhere from two to fifteen feet of water. On the cold, windy days, we have had to slide out deeper and on the nicer, sunny days, we have found fish shallower. We have caught some walleye around riprap, rock and gravel but many of the spawned-out females seem to be coming on shallow sand. Walleye fishing should just keep getting better as the water continues to warm up. We are taking lodging bookings for the summer so let us know how we can help. There is no closed walleye season on Devils Lake and late spring is one of the most fun times to fish Devils Lake.